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2020 Census Count Graphic.

Help Make Winfield Count!

Your participation in the 2020 Census will help determine how Federal funding is distributed to your community. This effects roads, schools, public service and emergency services. This is especially important for a growing town like ours! 

This year the Census is making it easier than ever to complete your questionnaire. All households will receive a post card in the mail to complete their census online, by phone, or by printing the form online to fill out by hand. If you need help filling out your form online, the Winfield Library will be available to offer assistance. 
The Census is safe and secure, all of your information will remain confidential and by law your responses cannot be used against you. 
Take your 2020 Census now at
If you did not receive your Census mailer, select "If you do not have a Census ID, click here" to respond by your address.
census info graphic
census info graphic
census information graphic
census information graphic
2020 Census, how to count children for census graphic.
2020 Census, how to count children for census page 2 graphic.
Census information graphic
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